image-1Most Have Been Damaged Since Birth

Even before the average american baby is born, it is generally subjected to the severely damaging effects of toxic chemicals and drugs taken by its mother. Perhaps a relatively harmless dose for her, but a tragic overdose to an embryo weighing only a few ounces. These toxins cause the embryo to grow in a poisonous enviroment which interferes with its ability to develop normally and naturally.

If the human being makes it to the birth process, and many do not, it is then confronted with what is perhaps the easiest time for even more severe damage to occur.

babyAfter the head of the child appears, the physician grabs it and twists it around in a figure 8 motion, pulling it up to free the lower shoulder and forcing it down to free the upper shoulder. This causes great stress in the cervical spine, a stress forceful enough to severely damage delicate nerve tissues and tiny neck bones. More times than it should, this results in a still birth.

Fetal deaths associated with child birth are the 5th major cause of mortality in the United States, and for those infants who live, it is now estimated that one out of 16 has a recognizable mental or physical defect at birth.

Birth trauma, even when not apparent in the early years, has been demonstrated to cause abnormal function, aberrant behavior and premature death. In the vast majority of cases, these consequences do not appear in forty, fifty, or even sixty years. Over 75% are damaged in this way.

(Towbin Study 1968)  


Michalski Chiropractic Wellness Centre