A chiropractic program, which includes instrument adjusting using Activator Chiropractic Methods Technique, varies from individual to individual. These programs are personalized based on male, female, age, body type, and history of various stresses of your life which include Physical, Emotional, and Chemical, in any combination. In fact, your body will be influenced by all in varying degrees based on your lifestyle and work environment. Therefore, a thorough history, both past and present, is necessary to determine a chiropractic wellness program for you.
The activator technique uses an instrument to move the joints and uses a principle of physics to do that. It’s safe, gentle, painless, and effective for all ages (newborn infants, children, teens, young adults, middle age, and elderly.) Dr. Michalski’s proficiency with this technique has placed him among the TOP 500 DOCTORS worldwide. Dr Michalski’s youngest patient was 4 days old. The mother brought the infant right in after release from the hospital. The mother (a current patient) was concerned about the baby’s spinal alignment following a difficult birth process.
This highly advanced instrument automatically makes adjustments to the area of misalignment. This instrument can be used on spinal segments and other joints of the body such as shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.
Give yourself the “Gift of Wellness”
For NOW and YEARS to come! Take your first step to start the journey with our help!
“The nervous system controls and coordinates all structures and functions of the human body.”
~Grey’s Anatomy
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
~Thomas Edison
“Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.”
~“Father of Healing” Hippocrates
4th Century B.C., Greece
You can find us in the white building at 13000 W. Bluemound Rd. The parking lot is on the east side of the building. Pull down the hill, come in door #4 (The last door) and we are right in front of you.