Not Just Back Talk by Crick and Crack: Medicine and Chiropractic – Part 1

Many of my colleagues became chiropractors because they had a family connection or positive personal experience with chiropractic. Such was not the case with me. In fact, without even being aware of it, while growing up I had a very typical preconceived notion/prejudice toward chiropractic. This first came to light when I was a junior […]
Not Just Back Talk by Crick and Crack: Medicine and Chiropractic: Part 2

In our last column, I talked about how many people across the country, and indeed across the world, have an unfounded prejudice towards the practice of chiropractic, and how I too fell victim to a conspiracy by organized medicine to denigrate and eliminate, the chiropractic profession. This resulted in a landmark lawsuit that began in […]
Not Just Back Talk by Crick and Crack: Medicine and Chiropractic – Part 3

This is the third part in a series of articles addressing the history of the relationship between medicine and chiropractic. In the first article, we discussed the unconscious bias most people had, and many still have, toward the chiropractic profession, as a result of covert efforts to contain and eliminate it by organized medicine. In […]
Not Just Back Talk by Crick and Crack: Medicine and Chiropractic, Part 4

This article is the 4th in a series about the relationship between organized medicine and chiropractic, leading up to the facts surrounding the lawsuit brought by Dr. Chester Wilk, and three chiropractic colleagues against the American Medical Association, known as Wilk v AMA. In the first article, we talked about the fact there has been […]
Not Just Back Talk by Crick and Crack: Medicine and Chiropractic – Part 5

This is the fifth article in a series looking at the relationship between the medical and chiropractic professions. As we have discussed, the story dates back to the 1500’s and the Renaissance and eventually resulted in a lawsuit (Wilk v AMA) against the American Medical Association in 1976. Last week we looked at the well-documented […]
Did you know chiropractic can help with Allergies?

Combating Allergies Your immune system protects your body from foreign substances called antigens, by producing antibodies and chemicals to fight them. Usually, the immune system ignores natural substances and fights the dangerous ones like bacteria. Allergic reactions occur when your immune system reacts abnormally to a substance that is not necessarily harmful. In the case […]
The Heredity Myth

Stop Blaming your condition on your genes and start getting healthy. Being taught to blame your genes on heredity is being taught to take a “victim” mentality instead of being a victor. Researchers from Sweden studied more than 44,000 pairs of identical twins from Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. They compared the rates of 11 different […]